Hotel Features comfortable & elevated Explore Our Hotel Amenities We aim to make you as comfortable as possible in our historic hotel. When you stay with us, we offer the following amenities: wifiComplimentary Wi-Fi in every room and lobby GymWell-equipped fitness center LobbyElegant lobby with worktables, sofas and a fireplace 24/7 Assistance24/7 Front desk and reservation services HousekeepingDaily Housekeeping Private BathroomsPrivate bathroom in every room Lost & FoundSundries shop to help with forgotten items and gifts RestaurantsConvenient access to The Rose & Crown Restaurant ShoppingShopping just off the lobby at The Jewelry Exchange, The Bungalow on 2nd and Reelax Massage + Skin Spa. Pet FriendlyOur hotel is Pet Friendly! Conference RoomWarm conference room with seating for 35+, power point capability, flat screen televisions and hardwood floors Bicycle RentalsFor your convenience, we have bicycle rentals available!